lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

My face

Hi, Do you want to play?



Water is so important for life. All living things need water. What do you do about water?

Here you can find some interesting things about water.

There are 3 forms of water:

Do you know song about the water cycle?

It's here.

If you like you can print these pictures and put wherever you want.

Did you like it?

domingo, 26 de abril de 2015

The animals


Do you want to play looking for animals? This is your site.

There are different word searches. Enjoy!


Can you remember some reptiles?

I write you here some tips.


Can you tell me amphibian cycle?
If you don't remember, you can see this picture. ;)

Now, it's time to play.


Here, you have a word search:


Can you tell me something about insects?

Here there is another word search:

Did you like it?


Hi again,

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Today we can learn jobs.
Listen to this song.

Print these pages and cut them out.

Copy this link and paste it into your  address bar:

You can play with the cards.
Put image cards face down on the table.
Choose one. What this?
Put the correct word together.
When you finish it you can correct it.
Listen the song again and check it.
Can you sing the song? Try it!

What job is missing from the song?

I'm sure you found it.

Do you want more?

Here there is another video. Ummm, maybe you want to be... I don't know. Tell it to me in the comments.


Hi children,

Do you want to learn about plants? Great!

Here is a game for learning some things about plants.


Today I start my first blog in English. This blog is useful for teachers and fun for children. I tried to create original activities for children. I'm focus in activities for children between 7,8 and 9 years old. Have a look and enjoy!

Your opinion is important for me. I hope your comments.
Thanks for reading. :)

See you soon!