lunes, 27 de abril de 2015



Water is so important for life. All living things need water. What do you do about water?

Here you can find some interesting things about water.

There are 3 forms of water:

Do you know song about the water cycle?

It's here.

If you like you can print these pictures and put wherever you want.

Did you like it?

3 comentarios:

  1. Good afternoon,

    I liked this blog, by the letter in which children can feel very identified, colorful images and the pad and so well explained that it be the water cycle and related activities to enhance their learning.
    Congratulations to the author of the blog.
    A greeting,

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Hello Vero;

    A blog with style and the articles are simple and practical. I like also the different kind of resources that you use to avoid boringness

    I like your blog, very psychedelic.

    Best regards
    Irene Ruiz
